ID: 210000131481

The True Story of Fausto Coppi by Jean-Paul Ollivier

SKU: 210000131481

The True Story of Fausto Coppi by Jean-Paul Ollivier

Brand: Vermarc
Categories: Gifts
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The king of the peloton, the 'Campionissimo,' Fausto Coppi was one of the greatest cycling champions of all time. Ollivier details it all: from his humble beginnings in the Italian countryside to his iconic cycling career and tragic death. 

"Occasionally a unique sportsman appears on the world stage, and because of their inherent 'star' quality, he makes such a profound impression that their legend lives on forever. Fausto Coppi was such a man. The cycling world owed the last great Campionissimo a great deal - he advanced the sport both technically and socially and although his life knew great tragedy, it was also full of glory."