ID: 210000134221

Skratch Labs Clear Hydration

SKU: 210000134221

Skratch Labs Clear Hydration

Brand: Skratch Labs
Categories: Nutrition
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Product Description

Skratch Labs Clear Hydration is a low-calorie, electrolyte hydration mix designed for athletes who need to stay hydrated during those intense activities. The mix is made with a minimal list of simple, clean ingredients and is free of artificial flavors, colors, or sweeteners.

The clear hydration mix is formulated to help athletes replenish their electrolytes and fluids without consuming excess calories. It contains a precise blend of sodium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium, which are essential minerals that are lost through sweat during exercise.

One of the unique features of Skratch Labs Clear Hydration is its light, refreshing taste. The mix is designed to be subtle and easy to drink, without any overpowering flavors or aftertaste. This makes it easy to drink consistently during long or intense workouts, without experiencing flavor fatigue.

The clear hydration mix is also easy to digest, thanks to its simple, all-natural ingredients. It is gluten-free, dairy-free, and vegan-friendly, making it suitable for a wide range of dietary needs.

Skratch Labs Clear Hydration is a reliable and effective hydration solution for athletes who need to stay hydrated and maintain their performance during intense exercise. With its clean ingredients, refreshing taste, and precise electrolyte blend, it is a great choice for anyone who wants to optimize their performance without consuming excess calories or artificial additives.