ID: 210000108611

Light and Motion Taz GoPro Mount

SKU: 210000108611

Light and Motion Taz GoPro Mount

Categories: Lights
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Product Description

The Light and Motion Taz GoPro Mount is an essential accessory for cyclists who want to capture their rides using a GoPro camera. This mount allows you to easily attach your GoPro camera to your bike light, so you can record high-quality video footage while also using the powerful illumination of the Taz bike light.

The mount is designed to be compatible with both the Taz 1200 and Taz 1500 bike lights from Light and Motion, and it is made from durable materials that are built to last. It is easy to install and remove as needed, and it provides a secure and stable attachment for your GoPro camera, so you can ride with confidence knowing that your camera is securely mounted to your bike.

Whether you're using your GoPro camera to capture stunning scenery, record your rides for training purposes, or simply document your cycling adventures, the Light and Motion Taz GoPro Mount is an excellent accessory that provides you with a versatile and convenient way to mount your camera to your bike light.