ID: 210000079599

Honey Stinger Energy Chews

SKU: 210000079599

Honey Stinger Energy Chews

Brand: Honey Stinger
Categories: Nutrition
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Product Description

Honey Stinger Organic Energy Chews simply taste great and produce the necessary energy to get you up and over that climb. Made with USADA certified organic ingredients, 100% organic tapicoa syrup and honey (the Lime-Ade chews are 95% organic) provide an easily digestible one-to-one ratio of glucose to fructrose. The chews are gluten-free, dairy-free and contain non-GMO ingrediants. Providing 100% of your recommended daily allowance of Vitamin C along with 1g of protein and 1g of fiber per package, the chews really are great tasting. At Contender Bicycles, it is amazing how many customers buy a package of chews to snack on while walking around the store shopping. This definitely cannot be said for very many other energy products.